
Showing posts from January, 2023

Organizational Leadership: Why 360 Degree Feedback Is Essential

 You may struggle to use a compass, but understanding 360 degree feedback is becoming increasingly important if you work in an organization. The 360 process is often linked to 'Personal Development' or 'Competency Review', but the full potential is more wide-ranging. Look a little more closely and it becomes evident that 360 degree feedback is now an essential means of developing leadership capability in organizations. Do you have what it takes to be the 360 leader of the future? What is 360 Feedback? The basic principles of 360 degree feedback are anchored in the view that senior professionals, and particularly managers, need to be Self Aware and responsive to feedback. Everyone has a blind-spot and there is potential benefit in receiving feedback on behaviour that affects work relationships. The 360 design process therefore involves identifying different groups of people who can provide feedback. These Contact Groups usually include the individual's Immediate Mana

Star360 Feedback

  360 feedback helps leaders identify what to improve, but leaders need clear insights, next steps, and ongoing support to succeed. We don’t just collect and report feedback. Our four guided self-development tools give leaders the confidence, clarity, and next steps to improve. 360 survey